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22nd South American Conference on Industrial, Production and Mechanical Engineering

The conference will take place on November 7 and 8, 2024 in the city of Montevideo (Uruguay) and the organizing institutions are Universidad de la República (UDELAR) and Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL).


SEPROSUL 2024 seeks to integrate researchers, professors and students with companies and professionals through conferences and presentations of scientific articles, providing a broad exchange of experiences and the possibility of showcasing the development of industrial, production and mechanical engineering in South America.




The main objective of the 22nd South American Conference on Industrial, Production and Mechanical Engineering (SEPROSUL) is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and the establishment of joint strategies for the development of countries and research in the area of ​​Industrial and Mechanical Engineering in South America.





To contribute to the strengthening and consolidation of a critical mass of high-level human resources, taking advantage of the comparative advantages offered by the capacities installed in the region, namely:


  1. Scientific and technological research, including the processes of innovation, adaptation and technological transfer, in strategic areas.

  2. Continuing education, inscribed in the integral development of populations in South America.

  3. The structures and functioning of the management of the universities that make up the Association of Montevideo Group Universities (AUGM).

  4. The interaction of the members of the NDIMP (Disciplinary Nucleus of Mechanical and Production Engineering) with society as a whole, disseminating the advances in knowledge that tend to its modernization.

Supply Chain Management

Energy Management

Knowledge Management and Strategies

Quality Management

Operational Research

Digital Supply Chain

Transport and Logistics

Intralogistics and Storage

Sustainable and Circular Manufacturing

Digital Transformation

Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis Applied to the industry

Emerging technologies and trends in manufacturing

Additive manufacturing and supply chain

New business models in manufacturing and logistics

Design Thinking for research and innovation

State-University-Company interaction for competitiveness

Information Systems and Technology

Advanced manufacturing systems

Human-centered manufacturing systems

Operations and Production Process Engineering

Sustainability Engineering

Product Engineering

Economic Engineering

Organizational Engineering

Ergonomics, Hygiene and Safety at Work

Knowledge Management and Innovation

Product Life Cycle Management

Service Operations Management

Production and Supply Chain Management

Dynamics, Control, Vibrations and Acoustics

Smart Materials and Structures

Fluid Mechanics

Nano, Microfluidics and Microsystems

Solid Mechanics

Mechatronics and Automation

HVAC, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration



Energy and Thermal Sciences

Fracture, Fatigue, Structural Integrity

Smart Materials and Structures

Organizing and Program Committee

Prof. Patricia Quintana (UDELAR)
Prof. Gabriel Pena (UDELAR)
Prof. Germán H. Rossetti (UNL)
Prof. Oscar D. Quiroga (UNL)
Prof. Wanda V. Fernández (UNL)

Prof. Júlio Cezar Siluk (UFSM)
Prof. Ângela M.F. Danilevicz (UFRGS)
Prof. Carlos Bavastri (UFPR)
Prof. Daniel Iwao Suyama (UNICAMP)
Prof. Taygoara Felamingo de Oliveira (UNB)
Prof. Diego Fettermann (UFSC)
Prof. Óscar C. Vásquez (USACH)
Prof. Mónica Gómez (UNC)
Prof. Adrián Toncovich (UNS)
Prof. Marcelo Tittonel (UNLP)
Prof. Nancy Alves (UNT)
Prof. Claudia Zárate (UNMdP)

Prof. Alejandra Esteban (UNMdP)
Prof. Julio Rodríguez (UNR)
Prof. Daniel Ades (UNR)
Prof. Alejandro Mateos (UNNOVA)

Prof. Cláudia de Freitas Michelin (UFSM)

Prof. Luis Zeballos (UNL)

Prof. Érica Fernández  (UTN)

Deadlines and other dates

08 October 2024 – Full regular papers deadline

28 October 2024 – Notifications to authors; Registration opens


04 November 2024 – Camera ready paper submission deadline

  • The program of SEPROSUL 2024 will consist of full paper presentations in regular sessions and special sessions.​

  • All papers must be electronically submitted through the Microsoft CMT – Hosted and Scalable Academic Conference Management System.​

  • Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts are provided on the following template:



  • The presentation of complete works must follow the format indicated in the SEPROSUL 2024 template (.docx).

  • Each work may have a maximum of 6 pages and up to 2 additional pages where bibliographical references are included.

  • The works may be presented in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

  • The works accepted in SEPROSUL 2024 will be published in a Proceedings with its respective ISBN.

  • Submission of works and registration will be free.

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